
Transfer of Cognitive Robotics Research to Industrial Applications

In conjunction with the
European Robotics Forum 2016

Tuesday, March, 22, 2016, 8:30 - 10:00


Motivation and Objectives

The workshop intends to reflect the impact of cognitive robotics research on industrial applications by showing successful transfer examples from research to Industry and discussing lessons learnt in previous EU funded research projects in cognitive systems. The goal is to analyse the actual transfer process in the light of today’s needs of robotic industry, formulate open problems in terms of industrial requirements and fundamental research questions. In particular, the speakers will address the following questions

  1. What technologies that can be attributed to cognitive robotics research were successfully introduced into industrial applications
  2. What technologies do Industry expect to get from cognitive robotics research in the next three years.
The material presented at the workshop will be made available on the web. A short report will be prepared by the organizers and made available for the related TGs: “AI and Cognition in Robotics”, “Perception” and “Robot Companions for Assisted Living”.


Agenda of the workshop

8:30 - 9:30 Short presentations (7 min each)
Welcome: From PACO+ and Xperience to SecondHands ,
Tamim Asfour, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Beyond navigation - what else is ready for transfer?
Wolfram Burgard, Uni Freiburg
How to apply cognitive abilities in industrial automation and logistics,
Michael Suppa, CEO Roboception
RTM - Object Modelling, Recognition and Tracking,
Johann Prankl, TU Wien
Applying Kernel Density Estimation for industrial robotic Tasks,
Dirk Kraft and Norbert Krüger, University of Southern Denmark
Intuitive programming of sensor-adaptive industrial robot tasks,
Sven Schmidt-Rohr, CEO & Co-founder, ArtiMinds Robotics GmbH
Some Cognitive Robotics Applications and Challenges at Ocado,
Graham Deacon, Ocado Technology
Transfer of Cognitive Robotics Research to Industrial Applications - What's Missing from this Title?
David Vernon, University of Skövde, Sweden
9:30 - 10:00 Round table discussion


  • Tamim Asfour, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Wolfram Burgard, Uni Freiburg
  • Michael Suppa, CEO Roboception
  • Johann Prankl, TU Wien
  • Dirk Kraft, University of Southern Denmark
  • Norbert Küeger, University of Southern Denmark
  • Sven Schmidt-Rohr, CEO & Co-founder, ArtiMinds Robotics GmbH
  • Graham Deacon, Ocado Technology
  • David Vernon, University of Skövde, Sweden



CANKARJEV DOM, Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana, ABB (E1-2) see ERF 2016.





Tamim Asfour
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics