Object-Action Complexes
Representations for Grounding Perception by Action and
Grounding of Language by Interaction
The general topic of the workshop deals with representations for bridging the gap between
sub-symbolic low-level robotics and vision domain and the high-level symbolic AI domain.
Traditional psychological and artificial intelligence models of natural cognition studied cognition mainly at the symbolic
level. However, there is still a significant gap between high-level symbolic and low-level
sensorimotor representations.
In this workshop we propose to bring together researchers from both areas to discuss approaches for
combining continuous domain approaches with discrete representations. We also present the OAC concept that has been proposed
within the European project PACO-PLUS as a mathematical formalization for bridging
this representional gap. In particular, this formalization tackles the problem of grounding of perception by action and grounding of
language through the interaction.
The aim of the OAC concept is to emphasize the notion that objects and actions are
inseparably intertwined and that categories are therefore determined (and also limited) by
the action a cognitive agent can perform and by the attributes of the world it can perceive.
Entities "things" in the world of a robot (or human) will only become semantically useful
objects through the action that the agent can/will perform on them.
OACs are proposed as a universal representation enabling efficient planning and execution
of purposeful action at all levels of a situated architecture. OACs combine the
representational and computational efficiency for purposes of search (the frame problem) of
STRIPS rules and the object- and situation-oriented concept of affordance with the logical
clarity of the event calculus. Affordance is the relation between a situation, usually including
an object of a defined type, and the actions that it allows. While affordances have mostly
been analyzed in their purely perceptual aspect, the OAC concept defines them more
generally as state-transition functions suited to prediction. Such functions can be used for
efficient forward-chaining planning, learning, and execution of actions represented
simultaneously at multiple levels in an embodied agent architecture.
Topics of interest
- Representations of innate, acquired and inferred knowledge
- Multisensory representations for objects and actions
- Learning from sensorimotor experience
- Action grammars
- Plan generation, recognition and modification
- Learning through coaching and exploration
- Communication and interaction
Program: |
Title |
9:00 |
Welcome and Introduction
Rüdiger Dillmann
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
9:10 |
Bootstrapping Object and Grasping Knowledge with Object Action Complexes
Norbert Krüger and Justus Piater
University of Southern Denmark
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Object Action Complexes provide a formal framework for the representation
of actions and their effects on objects in a cognitive architecture.
The framework can be applied on different levels of abstraction, from
low-level interaction with physical sensors and effectors to high-level,
symbolic planning.
This talk has two parts. In the first part we give a formal definition
of Object Action Complexes (OACs). In the second part, we present examples
of how this formalism serves to ground object and affordance knowledge
in physical experience, and to create symbolic abstractions that can be
used for symbolic prediction, reasoning and planning.
9:40 |
Grounding Language in Object-Centered Affordance
Mark Steedman
University of Edinburgh
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There is a long tradition associating language and other cognitive serial behavior with an
underlying motor planning mechanism (Piaget, 1936; Lashley, 1951; Miller, Galanter and Pribram,
1960; Rizzilati and Arbib, 1998). The evidence is evolutionary, neurophysiological, and developmental.
It suggests that language is much more closely related to embodied cognition than current linguistic
theories of grammar suggest. I'm going to argue that practically every aspect of language reflects
this connection transparently The talk discusses this connection in terms of planning as it is viewed
in Robotics and AI, with some attention to applicable machine learning techniques.
10:10 |
Affordances: The adventures of an elephant in the land of autonomous robots
Erol Sahin
Middle East Technical University - Ankara, Turkey
10:40 |
11:20 |
Model free 3D manipulation-recognition and object-categorization in real time for imitation learning in robots
Florentin Wörgötter
BCCN, Göttingen, Germany
11:50 |
Neurocomputational models for concept and language grounding
Tom Ziemke
University of Skövde, Sweden
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This talk discusses work-in-progess in the ROSSI project on building
neurocomputational models of affordances and related embodied cognitive
mechanisms, and embedding these models in simulated and ultimately physical
humanoid robots. This work takes as its starting points the Mirror Neuron
System (MNS) II model developed by Michael Arbib and colleagues, which
provides a systems-level view of the relevant brain regions and their
connectivity, as well as the Chain Model developed by Fabian Chersi and
colleagues, according to which neurons encoding subsequent motor acts and
leading to a specific action goal are connected in the form of chains of
motor primitives. Based on collaborations with neurophysiologists, computational
neuroscientists and experimental psychologists in the ROSSI project,
current work in our lab involves extending the chain model: (1) to be able
to learn motor primitives and adapt to new actions (based on motion capture
experiments on action segmentation in humans), (2) to take into account
affordances (modeling their processing in the anterior parietal lobe), and (3)
to reproduce experimentally observed effects of language processing on motor
programs. Finally, the presentation outlines how we plan to integrate these
modelling efforts in a (simulated) humanoid robot capable of sensorimotor and
social interaction with humans.
12:20 |
Action-related Places - Bridging the Gap between Symbolic and Subsymbolic Representation in Mobile Robot Manipulation
Andreas Fedrizzi, Freek Stulp, Michael Beetz
TUM, Germany
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Consider the task of approaching a table in order to grasp an object.
A trivial approach to solving this task is choosing a position from which
the target of manipulation will be well in reach, and navigating to it.
However, a more careful look at the question raises some serious issues:
What is a good place in the context of an intended manipulation action?
Does the designer's intuition of well-in-reach always imply that the
target object can really be reached, given the hardware and control
software of the robot?
We address these questions by developing the concept of action-related
place, denoted ARPlace. ARPlaces take into account the manipulation
and navigation skills of a robot, as well as its hardware configuration.
An ARPlace is represented as a probability distribution, that maps
the target object's and robot's position to a probability that the
target object will be successfully grasped from the corresponding robot
position. Therefore, ARPlaces are especially good at dealing with
uncertainties that may arise from noisy sensor data. ARPlaces are
extremely versatile as they can be merged to allow for multi-joint
manipulation, they can be updated as the robot moves to allow for
least-commitment planning, or they can be refined to take into account
further optimization criteria like time or power consumption.
12:50 |
14:30 |
The Systems View on Interactive Online Concept Learning
Christian Goerick
Honda Research Institute Europe GmbH
15:00 |
Grounded humanoid representations: objects, actions and movements
Gordon Cheng
TUM, Germany
15:30 |
Motor invariants in action recognition
Giorgio Metta
IIT, Italy
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We investigate the use of motor invariants, that is, recurring kinematic patterns to improve learning
of recognition of actions. Using a multi-subject database of synchronized sensory and motor data in
two different domains (grasping and speech) we indentify motor invariants, use them for segmentation
and in learning to recognize actions that were possibly never observed before. Experiments show that
generalization is improved when motor information is included in the learning machine during training
even if it is not available during recognition: i.e. cross-validation is performed without resorting to
the original motor data. Further, this advantages are more relevant when the task is more difficult, i.e.
because of the addition of noise. Our findings seem to support some of the claims of the motor theory of
action recognition (e.g. Liberman, Rizzolatti).
16:00 |
Towards Action Representation based on Acoustic Packages
Britta Wrede, Lars Schillingmann, Katharina J. Rohlfing
CoR-Lab, Bielefeld University, Germany
16:30 |
16:45 |
Exploration and Imitation for the Acquisition of Object-Action Complexes
Tamim Asfour, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Ales Ude, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
17:15 |
On Learning and Using Affordances with Humanoid Robots
José Santos-Victor
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
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The concept of object affordances describes the possible ways whereby an agent (either biological or artificial)
can act upon an object. The observation of the effects of actions on objects with certain properties allows the agent to acquire internal
representation of the world way of functioning, with respect to its own motor and perceptual skills.
Thus, affordances represent the interplay between actions and effects and lie at the core of high level cognitive skills such as planning, recognition, prediction and
imitation. Humans learn and exploit object affordances through their entire lifespan, either by autonomous exploration of the
world, social interaction or (possibly) introspection.
We propose a computational model capable of encoding object affordances during exploratory learning trials for humanoid robots. We adopt the
framework of Bayesian networks and rely on statistical learning and inference methods to generate and explore the network, efficiently
dealing with uncertainty, redundancy, and irrelevant information. Interestingly, the model can be applied both to the agents own actions
or to those of other indivuduals, in a way similar to the mirror system usually discussed at the sensorimotor level.
Finally, we discuss how this model can be used for different purposes. One such example is imitation learning by exploiting the recognition and
planning capabilities to learn new tasks from demonstrations. We show the application of our model in a real world task in which a humanoid
robot interacts with objects and uses the acquired knowledge and learns from demonstrations. In addition we will present initial ideas to extend
this model to the use of speech and discuss possible future extensions of such an approach.
Related references:
[1] Associating word descriptions to learned manipulation task models,
V. Krunic, G. Salvi, A.Bernardino, L. Montesano, J. Santos-Victor,
IROS-2008 WORKSHOP on Grasp and Task Learning by Imitation, Nice,
France, September 2008
[2] - Learning Object Affordances: From Sensory Motor Maps to
Imitation, L. Montesano, M. Lopes, A. Bernardino, J. Santos-Victor,
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Special Issue on Bio-Robotics, Vol 24(1)
Feb 2008.
[3] - Visual Learning by Imitation With Motor Representations, M. Lopes
and J. Santos-Victor, IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics -
Part B: Cybernetics, June 2005
17:45 |
Learning action primitives in the object-action space
Volker Krüger, Aalborg University, Denmark
Danica Kragic, KTH, Sweden
18:15 |
Psychology of the OAC
Saskia van Dantzig, Pascal Haazebroek and Bernhard Hommel
Leiden University, Netherlands
18:45 |
Submission of abstracts
Prospective participants are required to submit a one page abstracts until 9. November 2009. Please send your
abstract directly to the Workshop organizers ( asfour(at)kit.edu). The abstracts will be
published on the workshop webpage.
- Tamim Asfour, Germany
- Ales Ude, Slovenia
- Norbert Krüger, Denmark
- Justus Piater, Belgium
- Florentin Wörgötter, Germany
- Mark Steedman, UK
- Volker Krüger, Denmark
- Danica Kragic, Sweden
- Rüdiger Dillmann, Germany
Tamim Asfour
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Anthropomatics
Humanoids and Intelligence Systems Lab. IAIM Prof. Dillmann
Adenauerring 2
76131 Karlsruhe
E-mail: asfour(at)kit.edu, Web page