Distinguished Talks
Alin Albu-Schäffer
Nonlinear Elastic Resonance Modes for Efficient Locomotion: From Biology to Robots and Back
DLR – German Aerospace Center
TU Munich
Antonio Bicchi
SymBionics, or About Being a Bot
University of Pisa
Oliver Brock
Intelligence: A Robotics Problem
Technische Universität Berlin
Herman Bruyninckx
Do you know that story about that robot that met another robot and asked “Why?”
KU Leuven, Belgium
TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Frank Chongwoo Park
To Learn or Not to Learn: Robot Modeling in the Age of Machine Learning
Seoul National University
Henrik Christensen
Human-Robot Collaboration in Urban Environments
UC San Diego
Rüdiger Dillmann
From Models to Neuromorphic Approaches for SNN-based Robot Control
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Ken Goldberg
Robo-Exoticism: Art, History, and Our All Too Human Machines
UC Berkeley
Sami Haddadin
Increasing the Closed Loop Dynamics of Robotics Research
TU Munich
John Hollerbach
Realistic Walking on a Treadmill
University of Utah
Makoto Kaneko
Fast and Fine Manipulation of RBCs in Artificial Capillary and Their Mysterious Behaviors
Osaka University
Oussama Khatib
Stanford University
Peter Corke
Queensland University of Technology
Giorgio Metta
iCub & friends: my quest for building a community of roboticists
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Yoshihiko Nakamura
University of Tokyo
Daniela Rus
Soft Capable Robot
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Roland Siegwart
From Robotics Research to Applications: A Difficult but Rewarding Journey
ETH Zurich
Siddhartha Srinivasa
Manipulation Challenges for the next 20 years
University of Washington