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Researchers from academia and industry in prosthetics, orthotics, exoskeletons and other related areas are cordially invited to present their recent work at the Symposium on Assistive and Wearable Robotics in Karlsruhe, May 16-18, 2019.

This Symposium is held to encourage scientific discussions on the development, design, control and application of wearable robotic technologies

The single-track format of the symposium allows researchers to present their work in a diverse, scientific and unique atmosphere that results from the conjunction with the CYBATHLON Arm and Leg Prosthesis Series 2019 and the REHAB.

Contributed Papers

For presentation we call for extended abstracts, consisting of about 1 to max. 2 full A4 page. The abstract should include general motivation and problem definition, discussion of related work and own approach and contributions. Submissions must be prepared with the Symposium on Assistive and Wearable Robotics LaTeX-Template provided here. Your proposal for contribution should include the following information:

  • author’s name and status
  • name and location of the lab
  • indicate, whether you prefer to give an oral or interactive presentation

Please send your contribution as a PDF document via EasyChair

Important Dates

02 May 2019 Submission Deadline (extended)