Poster Sessions
Wednesday, 02. April
17:00 - 17:50 |
Poster Session WeP: EU Projects Poster Presentations |
ALEAR: Artificial Language Evolution on Autonomous Robots. |
Luc Steels / Manfred Hild |
DECISIONS in MOTION: Neural decision making in moving agents. |
M. Raabe, C. Beck, D. Bernhardt, M. W. Greenlee |
DEXMART: DEXterous and autonomous dual-arm/hand robotic manipulation with sMART sensory-motor skills: A bridge from natural to artificial cognition. |
Bruno Siciliano |
DIRAC: Detection and Identification of Rare Audio-visual Cues. |
Alon Zweig / Barbara Caputo |
EYESHOTS: Heterogeneous 3D Perception across Visual Fragments. |
Silvio Sabatini |
GRASP: Emergence of Cognitive Grasping through Emulation, Introspection and Surprise. |
Darius Burschka |
ITALK: Integration and Transfer of Action and Language Knowledge in Robots. |
Giorgio Metta |
PACO-PLUS: Perception, Action and Cognition through Learning of Object-Action Complexes. |
Ales Ude |
PHRIENDS: Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Dependability and Safety. |
A. Bicchi, R. Alami, A. Albu-Schaeffer, R. Bischoff, A. De Luca, B. Siciliano |
POETICON: The Poetics of Everyday Life: Grounding Resources and Mechanisms for Artificial Agents. |
Katerina Pastra |
PRESENCCIA: Presence: Research Encompassing Sensory Enhancement, Neuroscience, Cerebral-Computer Interfaces and Applications. |
P. Verschure |
RASCALLI: Responsive Artificial Situated Cognitive Agents Living and Learning on the Internet. |
B. Krenn |
ReNaChip: Rehabilitation of a discrete motor learning function by a prosthetic chip. |
I. Herreros-Alonso, L. Zimmerli, and P. Verschure |
REPLICATOR: Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms. |
S. Kernbach, P. Levi, E. Meister |
ROBOCAST: ROBOt and sensors integration for Computer Assisted Surgery and Therapy. |
E. De Momi, G. Ferrigno, J. Raczkowsky, H. Woern |
RobotCub: An Open Framework for Research in Embodied Cognition. |
Giorgio Metta |
ROSSI: Emergence of communication in RObots through Sensorimotor and Social Interaction. |
Tom Ziemke / Anna M. Borgh |
SCOVIS: Self-Configurable Cognitive Video Supervision. |
M. Sardis |
SENSOPAC: SENSOrimotor structuring of Perception and Action for emerging Cognition. |
Patrick van der Smagt |
SF: the synthetic forager. |
A. Duff, P. Verschure |
SPARK: Spatial-temporal Patterns for Action-oriented perception in Roving robots. |
P. Arena, L. Patane, D. Lombardo, S. De Fiore |
Thursday, 03. April
17:10 - 18:00 |
Poster Session ThP: Conference Poster Presentations I |
Grounding Planning Operators by Affordances |
C. L�rken, J. Hertzberg |
Socially Inspired Motion Planning for Mobile Robots in Populated Environments |
J. Mueller, C. Stachniss, K. O. Arras, W. Burgard |
The RASCALLI Platform � for a Flexible and Distributed Development of Virtual Systems Augmented with Cognition |
B. Krenn, C. Schollum |
The GNOSYS Cognitive Architecture |
S. Kasderidis, J. Taylor |
Bayesian Models for Multimodal Perception of 3D Structure and Motion |
J. F. Ferreira, P. Bessi�re, K. Mekhnacha, J. Lobo, J. Dias, C. Laugier |
A Bayesian Binaural System for 3D Sound-Source Localisation |
C. Pinho, J. F. Ferreira, P. Bessi�re, J. Dias |
Cross-Module Learning As a First Step towards a Cognitive System Concept |
A. R.T. Gepperth, J. Fritsch, C. Goerick |
Friday, 04. April
15:50 - 16:40 |
Poster Session FrP: Conference Poster Presentations II |
Qualitative Prediction-Observation: Using Robotic Surprise for Learning by Experimentation |
A. Mohan, A. Juarez, T. Henne, E. Prassler |
Constructing Behavioral Hierarchies for Real-Time Human-Robot Cooperation Using Spoken Language |
P. F. Dominey, O. Abdoun, F. Grandet, B. Miniere |
Action Rule Induction from Cause-Effect Pairs Learned through Robot-Teacher Interaction |
A. G. Agostini, E. Celaya, C. Torras, F. Woergoetter |
A Real-Time Spiking Cerebellum Model for Learning Robot Control |
R. Carrillo, J. G. Alc�zar, E. Ros, C. Boucheny, O. J.-M.D. Coenen |
Neural Model for the Perception of Form and implied Motion |
F. Raudies, H. Neumann |
Feature Selection for Human Activity Recognition Using Feature Taxonomies and User Comments |
M. L�sch, S. R. Schmidt-Rohr, S. Knoop, R. Dillmann |
Fusing Dynamic Percepts and Symbols in Cognitive Systems |
M. Felsberg, G. Granlund |