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EU Projects
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  Poster Sessions

Wednesday, 02. April

17:00 - 17:50
Poster Session WeP: EU Projects Poster Presentations
ALEAR: Artificial Language Evolution on Autonomous Robots.
Luc Steels / Manfred Hild
DECISIONS in MOTION: Neural decision making in moving agents.
M. Raabe, C. Beck, D. Bernhardt, M. W. Greenlee
DEXMART: DEXterous and autonomous dual-arm/hand robotic manipulation with sMART sensory-motor skills: A bridge from natural to artificial cognition.
Bruno Siciliano
DIRAC: Detection and Identification of Rare Audio-visual Cues.
Alon Zweig / Barbara Caputo
EYESHOTS: Heterogeneous 3D Perception across Visual Fragments.
Silvio Sabatini
GRASP: Emergence of Cognitive Grasping through Emulation, Introspection and Surprise.
Darius Burschka
ITALK: Integration and Transfer of Action and Language Knowledge in Robots.
Giorgio Metta
PACO-PLUS: Perception, Action and Cognition through Learning of Object-Action Complexes.
Ales Ude
PHRIENDS: Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Dependability and Safety.
A. Bicchi, R. Alami, A. Albu-Schaeffer, R. Bischoff, A. De Luca, B. Siciliano
POETICON: The Poetics of Everyday Life: Grounding Resources and Mechanisms for Artificial Agents.
Katerina Pastra
PRESENCCIA: Presence: Research Encompassing Sensory Enhancement, Neuroscience, Cerebral-Computer Interfaces and Applications.
P. Verschure
RASCALLI: Responsive Artificial Situated Cognitive Agents Living and Learning on the Internet.
B. Krenn
ReNaChip: Rehabilitation of a discrete motor learning function by a prosthetic chip.
I. Herreros-Alonso, L. Zimmerli, and P. Verschure
REPLICATOR: Robotic Evolutionary Self-Programming and Self-Assembling Organisms.
S. Kernbach, P. Levi, E. Meister
ROBOCAST: ROBOt and sensors integration for Computer Assisted Surgery and Therapy.
E. De Momi, G. Ferrigno, J. Raczkowsky, H. Woern
RobotCub: An Open Framework for Research in Embodied Cognition.
Giorgio Metta
ROSSI: Emergence of communication in RObots through Sensorimotor and Social Interaction.
Tom Ziemke / Anna M. Borgh
SCOVIS: Self-Configurable Cognitive Video Supervision.
M. Sardis
SENSOPAC: SENSOrimotor structuring of Perception and Action for emerging Cognition.
Patrick van der Smagt
SF: the synthetic forager.
A. Duff, P. Verschure
SPARK: Spatial-temporal Patterns for Action-oriented perception in Roving robots.
P. Arena, L. Patane, D. Lombardo, S. De Fiore

Thursday, 03. April

17:10 - 18:00
Poster Session ThP: Conference Poster Presentations I
Grounding Planning Operators by Affordances
C. L�rken, J. Hertzberg
Socially Inspired Motion Planning for Mobile Robots in Populated Environments
J. Mueller, C. Stachniss, K. O. Arras, W. Burgard
The RASCALLI Platform � for a Flexible and Distributed Development of Virtual Systems Augmented with Cognition
B. Krenn, C. Schollum
The GNOSYS Cognitive Architecture
S. Kasderidis, J. Taylor
Bayesian Models for Multimodal Perception of 3D Structure and Motion
J. F. Ferreira, P. Bessi�re, K. Mekhnacha, J. Lobo, J. Dias, C. Laugier
A Bayesian Binaural System for 3D Sound-Source Localisation
C. Pinho, J. F. Ferreira, P. Bessi�re, J. Dias
Cross-Module Learning As a First Step towards a Cognitive System Concept
A. R.T. Gepperth, J. Fritsch, C. Goerick

Friday, 04. April

15:50 - 16:40
Poster Session FrP: Conference Poster Presentations II
Qualitative Prediction-Observation: Using Robotic Surprise for Learning by Experimentation
A. Mohan, A. Juarez, T. Henne, E. Prassler
Constructing Behavioral Hierarchies for Real-Time Human-Robot Cooperation Using Spoken Language
P. F. Dominey, O. Abdoun, F. Grandet, B. Miniere
Action Rule Induction from Cause-Effect Pairs Learned through Robot-Teacher Interaction
A. G. Agostini, E. Celaya, C. Torras, F. Woergoetter
A Real-Time Spiking Cerebellum Model for Learning Robot Control
R. Carrillo, J. G. Alc�zar, E. Ros, C. Boucheny, O. J.-M.D. Coenen
Neural Model for the Perception of Form and implied Motion
F. Raudies, H. Neumann
Feature Selection for Human Activity Recognition Using Feature Taxonomies and User Comments
M. L�sch, S. R. Schmidt-Rohr, S. Knoop, R. Dillmann
Fusing Dynamic Percepts and Symbols in Cognitive Systems
M. Felsberg, G. Granlund

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