Tutorial / Workshop Submission
We solicit tutorial and workshop proposals that address important and new topics related to the conference theme. Workshops should focus on areas of active research, in order to provide an informal forum for participants to exchange developing research results and ideas. Tutorials should target established fields of research, in order to provide descriptions on its state of the art, by individuals who are recognized researchers of the field.
All workshop/tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the CogSys 2008 Workshop/Tutorial Committee. The primary criteria for selection are anticipated level of interest, impact, novelty or creativity, and technical background of presenters.
The deadline for tutorial and workshop submission is December, 16th, 2007.
Proposals, no longer than 2 pages in length, following the format below must be submitted online via the PaperPlaza system.
Please number and clearly delineate each of the following sections:
- Title
- Organizers (complete address, phone, and email)
- Abstract (less than 200 words, indicate full or half day, workshop or tutorial)
- Motivation and objectives (less than 300 words)
- List of topics
- List of presenters with affiliations and status of confirmation
- Intended audience
Proposals must be submitted in PDF file format.
All types of submissions to CogSys2008 must be uploaded electronically through PaperPlaza.
Step 1: Login
Go to PaperPlaza and login with your PIN and password. If you do not have a PIN yet follow the link for paperPlaza registration.
Once logged in go to => Home => Submit a contribution to Cogsys 2008. In the list of submission types follow "Submit" in the line Tutorials and Workshops.
Step 2: Enter information and upload files
Enter all requested information in the paper wizard and upload your proposal in the format described above.