• Distinguished talks

    Distinguished talks are 30-minutes long.

    Paper presentations

    This year, ISRR paper presentations are split into two parts:

    • a 5-minutes long spotlight presentation in plenum;
    • a 60-minutes poster interactive session during the coffee break.

    Papers are organized into 50-minutes oral sessions of 6 papers followed by an approx. 20-minutes of discussion with the audience moderated by the session chair. The interactive sessions will be held immediately after the oral sessions and use virtual posters using LCD projectors.

    Authors are invited to prepare:

    • a 5-slides presentation offering an overview of their work to be presented during the spotlight presentation in plenum;
    • a long deck of slides to be run on the LCD projector during the interactive session.

    Each paper will be allocated one LCD project. You must bring your own laptop to display slides on the LCD project. Do not print paper posters as there will be no room to present these. Check the program to see during which spotlight and interactive session you will present.